Titan Exploration Quiz
The following quiz is based on the updated scientific knowledge on Titan gathered, notably, by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, the Cassini Huygens spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). We can't guarantee that all the scientific information on Titan is reliable since we don't know yet what hides below the veil of this enigmatic moon. The answers are located in the bottom of this page: the green light corresponds to a correct answer and the red light corresponds to a wrong answer.
1 / The atmosphere at the surface of Titan is thought to be:
a / 4 times as dense as Earth's atmosphere
b / 9 times as dense as Earth's atmosphere
c / 6 times less dense than Earth's atmosphere
2 / The diameter of Titan is :
a / 4330 kilometers that is bigger than the moon of planet Earth
b / 5150 kilometers that is almost the same size as Ganymede
c / 3760 kilometers that is bigger than Europa and Io
3 / Titan's atmosphere is mostly composed of :
a / methane and other hydrocarbon molecules
b / nitrogen
c / hydrogen
4 / Titan's atmosphere is :
a / 320 kilometers deep that is roughly 3 times as deep as Earth's atmosphere
b / 440 kilometers deep that is roughly 4 times as deep as Earth's atmosphere
c / 730 kilometers deep that is roughly 7 times as deep as Earth's atmosphere
5 / The atmospheric pressure at the surface of Titan is expected to be:
a / 0.02 bars that is roughly twice the atmospheric pressure at the surface of Mars
b / 0.9 bars that is roughly the same atmospheric pressure as on Earth
c / 1.6 bars that is roughly 1.5 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth
6 / The temperature at the surface of Titan is expected to be around:
a / -115° Celsius that is -175° Fahrenheit or 158.15 Kelvin
b / -180° Celsius that is -292° Fahrenheit or 93.15 Kelvin
c / -210° Celsius that is -346° Fahrenheit or 63.15 Kelvin
7 / The density of Titan is close to:
a / 1.9 grammes per cubic centimeter that is higher than the density of Saturn
b / 3.1 grammes per cubic centimeter that is close to the density of Europa
c / 5.2 grammes per cubic centimeter that is close to the density of Planet Earth
8 / The Sun as seen from the surface of Titan...
a / would appear so faint that the disk would be entirely visible through a pin hole
b / would represent an apparent disk no larger than 10 times as small as the Sun as seen from the terrestrial surface
c / would represent an apparent disk half the size of the solar apparent disk as seen from Planet Earth
9 / Some surface features of Titan can be shown...
a / by using a special filter centered at wavelengths of ultraviolet light
b / by using a common camera
c / by using a special filter centered at wavelengths of infrared light
10 / The equatorial surface gravity of Titan is:
a / 1.35 Newtons that is roughly 7 times weaker than the gravity on Earth and weaker than the Moon's gravity
b / 2.45 Newtons that is roughly 4 times weaker than the gravity on Earth and 1.5 times higher than the gravity of the Moon
c / 4.85 Newtons that is roughly half the gravity on Planet Earth at sea level or 3 times the gravity on the Moon
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